About Yankee Dahlia Society

Misty and Carol, founders of Yankee Dahlia Society

Yankee Dahlia Society was established in 2021. Co-Founders and Co-Presidents Misty and Carol are two friends who met growing dahlias. So, when two friends who love dahlias want to make other new friends who also love dahlias, they start a club!

We had a vision of creating a fun space where people who love dahlias could gather and connect, in person and through social media, to learn, have fun, and enjoy growing dahlias together.

We are a vibrant dahlia club with wonderful members who love growing dahlias. Whether you are a new dahlia grower or have years of experience we would love to get to know you. Join the club and be part of the fun!

Misty Florez & Carol Palmer
Co-Founders & Co-Presidents

Group photo from the 2022 ADS National Show

Member of the American Dahlia Society

Yankee Dahlia Society is a proud member of the American Dahlia Society. Since 1915 the American Dahlia Society has been made up of local chapters around the United States and Canada. Today over 60 clubs are affiliated with ADS and their mission to stimulate interest while promoting the culture and the development of the dahlia. YDS looks forward to participating with ADS and the dahlia club community to enrich and share our dahlia knowledge and connect with growers across the country. We encourage our members to also join ADS. Learn more about ADS

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